Soma Roma
Enlivening Online Embodied PRactice collections
Experience the transformative health benefits of embodied practice, anywhere, anytime.
Embodiment is a visceral experience. Touch it, taste it, feel it and so much more.
Do you want to . . .
cultivate body awareness?
explore sensory perception?
build personal sustainability & connection?
support psychophysical health?
develop a home practice?
inspire creativity?
Then dive into our
practice collections!
Online Embodied Practice Collections
Journey from pixel to cell. Delivered digitally, these resources land you in your fleshy fluid reality inside and out. Click on an image to learn more and purchase access to a collection.
NAtUre Connections
When you roam your ‘soma’ (your living self in its wholeness) from a somatic perspective you are venturing into the field of your lived experience. We call this process, Adventures In The Field. What this means is that you’re paying attention to the sensations, imagery and information that’s available through your senses to consciously know more about how you function and how you relate to your environments. It’s a living adventure.