School Incursions

Embodied Practice in the classroom

Whether you are after a unit that aligns with the Victorian Curriculum F-10 or you would simply like some effective embodied activities for classroom management, wellbeing or creative inspiration we have strategies and techniques that can support your needs.

Speak with us about how we can develop a specific incursion for your school that meets your current context. We offer in-house incursions that we facilitate with students and teachers as well as in-house professional development sessions for teachers.

We can work collaboratively with your teaching teams to embed embodied practices into the curriculum and align this work with the learning areas and capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum F-10.

Emotional Wellbeing, Intelligence & Empathy Unit

Key to developing a positive climate for learning is recognising that school communities need to consciously and actively develop individual and community emotional intelligence and empathy through social and emotional learning (SEL). Growing emotional intelligence and empathy are core life skills that can be achieved through an embodied education approach. We have a ready-made 7-week Emotional Intelligence & Empathy Unit that can be integrated into your current curriculum.

Key knowledge and skills in this unit include:

Personal & Social Capability

Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCPSCSE025)

Describe the characteristics of respectful relationships and suggest ways that respectful relationships can be achieved (VCSCSO031)

Describe the various causes of conflict and evaluate possible strategies to address conflict (VCPSCSO033)

Ethical Capability

Discuss how ethical principles can be used as the basis for action, considering the influence of cultural norms, religion, world views and philosophical thought on these principles (VCECU010)

Critical & Creative Thinking Capability

Understanding of thinking processes and an ability to manage and apply these intentionally.

Cross curricular Alignment

This unit is also aligned with the learning areas of Drama, Dance, English, Science, Humanities, Civics & Citizenship, and Health & Physical Education.